Support Families with Spinal Cord Injury

Support Families with Spinal Cord Injury

blink of an eye podcast
Blink of an EyeTM podcast with Louise Phipps Senft, explores stories of trauma, loss, awakening, and epiphanies. Ms. Senft recounts her experience navigating a life-changing accident that rendered her son, Archer, paralyzed from the neck on down, and expands the story with interviews of those behind the scene. Told through real journal entries and inspiring guests, Blink of an EyeTM will inspire you to explore the true nature of our relationships and interconnectedness in the face of an event that changes everything.

Coming in Spring 2024, Season 5 will focus on the SCI journey: from the initial call to emergency personnel, to the first hours and days of injury, through the first 30 days and into the Miracle Year of rehabilitation and the new normal.

Blink of an EyeTM Podcast is the primary outreach and education arm of Blink of an EyeTM Nonprofit, which sends trauma healing experts bedside within the first hours and days of injury and provides wraparound support through the first 30 days of crisis and into the Miracle Year.

Your support helps us continue this important work. Contact us at 443-524-0833 to sponsor.

About our listeners

  • Blink of an EyeTM Podcast drops a new episode weekly and is the #2 SCI podcast as compiled by FeedSpot.
  • 4,500+ downloads each month/ to a highly targeted audience interested in life after spinal cord injury, as well as trauma healing
  • Weekly emailed episode announcements and monthly newsletter wrap-ups sent to over 3,000 subscribers
  • Supported by robust social media channels and sister brands that reach over 3,400 followers on Facebook, 4,800 followers on LinkedIn and hundreds on Instagram.

Consider full-year sponsorship (30 episodes in the season)

Journey Sponsor ($5,000)

  • On-Air Recognition: Professionally crafted spotlight feature in one episode per month.
  • Social Media Recognition: One post per month on the podcast’s social media channels.
  • Newsletter Feature: Inclusion in the monthly “Blink of an EyeTM newsletter once every two months.
  • Podcast Email Drops: Banner ad in one email drop per month to the 3,000-person list.

New Normal Sponsor ($10,000)

  • On-Air Recognition: Professionally crafted spotlight feature in two episodes per month plus inclusion in show notes.
  • Social Media Recognition: Two posts per month on both the podcast’s and sister organizations’ channels.
  • Newsletter Feature: Monthly inclusion in the “Blink of an Eye” newsletter.
  • Podcast Email Drops: Banner ad in two email drops per month to the 3,000-person list.
  • Monthly Gazette Feature: One educational article feature in the Gazette during the sponsorship period.
  • Pre-Roll Ads: One 15-second pre-roll ad per month. 

Trauma Healing Sponsor (Only 2 Available) ($15,000)

  • On-Air Recognition: Weekly professionally crafted spotlight feature in episodes and prominent placement in show notes.
  • Social Media Recognition: Weekly posts on both the podcast’s and sister organizations’ channels.
  • Newsletter Feature: Every-other month feature in the “Blink of an EyeTM newsletter.
  • Podcast Email Drops: Weekly banner ad in email drops to the 3,000-person list.
  • Monthly Gazette Feature: Monthly educational article feature in the Gazette during the sponsorship.
  • Pre-Roll Ads: Two 15-second pre-roll ads per month.
  • Gala Event Sponsorship: Recognition as a sponsor at the Celebration Event in September 2024, including an opportunity to display promotional materials and a short speaking opportunity.

Contact Rebecca Snyder at for more information.